ruminations on remembrance
ruminations on remembrance
suspended in stillness

suspended in stillness

(the breath + the scorpion)
illustration of a brown, tan and beige scorpion, in a desert landscape. the landscape consists of sand, mountains of sand, a couple of leafless trees and a few patches of a tall, grass-like plant.

suspended (adj): supported by attachment from above; hanging...

in the depths of stillness, the breath suspends. it is a most tangible way to experience levitation in the body...there is only complete silence in the mind. the breath hangs. the thoughts hang. tension disappears from the body...a full, robust pause.

i allow it to happen organically. i keep my breath full and consistent. i find it happens most when i am earnestly seeking the depths of stillness. in meditation or in asana, i experience the breath hanging in midair. i can taste all its nuances. i don't grip onto these moments. i allow for the fluidity of their recession and return. each time, sinking more and more into the shadows of stillness. i am already at ease with the full inhales and exhales. so the levitations come without effort...

today is thursday. thursday is jupiter day - the day of my birth. i fast on thursdays to connect to the energy of the magician, which is the energy of thursday. i meditate multiple times, at the hours of jupiter, to invite visioning, amplified intuition, clear silence and transformation. it is natural to glide into suspended breaths on these days. no food allows for lightness in the body. this lightness welcomes the expanse of the divine. now, i can surf the waves of the ether, confidently, as though i am born of the water. i am, you are, we all are. the divine's oceanic, abundant waves of peace wash over me...they refresh and recharge me. i can see, hear and feel without the distractions of the tangible reality.

i do believe there is some divine timing here. the energy of the super full moon in sagittarius is still permeating. jupiter rules sagittarius. and i am in my jupiter day ritual, following a jupiterian full moon. feeling and intution are stronger with the full moon. this coupled with my earnest openness and inquiry on my ritual day...spirit has responded thoroughly. my suspended breaths, today and onward, will give me access to the sharpest, clearest answers to my path and purpose, my biggest and boldest visions...the courage to leap. the overflowing heart to give and to share...sharing the messages and practices of the divine, as they are given to me...

on the night of the full moon, i received another nudge to journey deeper in the shadows...deeper into stillness. as i was writing my gratitudes, i was visited by a scorpion. they moved in and out of the shadows, through cracks in the foundations of the house. the closer i attempted to get, back to the shadows they went. i am grateful for their visit. part of the reminders and reflections that come with scorpions: transformation, solitude, self mastery and the will. these aspects resonated most. at a time when i thought i would be coming out of solitude and shadow work and being more outward, i am being shown another door to instrospection, listening, clearing and healing. my deeper spiritual work, practices, prayers and submissions are just beginning again.

i am still to find suspension in the breath. levitating between each inhale and exhale. supported by my connection to the celestial space from above. my scorpion friend reminding me to find comfort and strength in the the solitude. here is where i transform into my whole self...choosing to embody the wholeness of spirit and the tangible...

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new moon in cancer notes…

on tuesday, june 28th, at 10:51p est, the moon will be new, in the sign of cancer. the moon is at home in the sign of cancer. the new moon transits are the perfect moments to sow the etheric seeds you are ready to blossom. the seeds may begin to start sprouting in two weeks, for the full moon in capricorn…or they may blossom in six months, when the full moon is in cancer.

  • cancer is feeling + intuition

  • listen to intuitive guidance

  • amplified intuition for everyone with the moon transiting cancer

we are now in the summer season. allow the fire of the sun to inspire and move you into divine, right action. your intuition is key in discerning which actions are best.

  • revisit your big visions and dreams (especially from the full moon on 6/14/22)

  • write out key steps/happenings for your visions

    • write them in present tense, as though they are happening now

  • allow joy and excitement to signal your strongest yeses

jupiter and jupiterian energy will be a factor in this transit also. with the previous full moon in sagittarius: the ready-to-leap, prosperous, expansive, good fortune energy of jupiter asked us to revisit our biggest dreams and prepare to bring them into the tangible world. this time the planet jupiter (in aries) will sit in a position of friction (a square) with the moon. squared planets in astrology are perfect opportunities to propel us forward. in this moment, fiery aries can move us into courageous action. especially if moments of friction and contrast can leave us stagnant.

here are some other practices to move you into bliss, before you sit down to sow your seeds for the new moon…

  • play! bubbles - hula hoop - trampoline - water games

  • laughter! jokes - funny memes/gifs - funny shows/movies

  • art - create before you conjure ;-)

let the visions that make your heart do summersaults be your focus!


ruminations on remembrance
ruminations on remembrance
remembrance. stillness. prayer. being. breathing. listening.
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